…In 2004, Istanbul Agop opened the first company owned office outside of Istanbul, in Los Angeles, California, USA to further improve our relationship with artists and drummers, and further expand the availability of our instruments. In 2005, we released our 25th Anniversary Ride as an expression of our continuing journey to push the limits of traditional cymbal making, while staying true to the ancient tradition. In 2009, we have the most musical and diverse cymbal lineup anywhere, supported by a roster of the most influential and compelling drummers of this generation.  Learn More

Showing all 33 results

Istanbul Agop Cymbal Hard Case กล่องใส่ฉาบ

2,000.00 ฿
Istanbul Agop Cymbal Hard Case กล่องใส่ฉาบ

ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop รุ่น Xist Brilliant Set

Original price was: 35,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 19,000.00 ฿.
Istanbul Agop รุ่น Xist Brilliant Set ฉาบกลองชุด Hihat 14” Crash 16” Crash 18” Ride 20” ฟรี! Free Splash 10” ฟรี! Free Cymbal Bag

ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop รุ่น Xist Natural Cymbal Set

Original price was: 35,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 19,000.00 ฿.
Istanbul Agop รุ่น Xist Natural Cymbal Set ฉาบกลองชุด 14" Hihat 16" Crash 18" Crash 20" Ride ฟรี! Free Splash 10” ฟรี! Free Cymbal Bag

ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop รุ่น Xist Power Set

Original price was: 35,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 19,000.00 ฿.
Istanbul Agop รุ่น Xist Power Set ฉาบกลองชุด Hihat 14” Crash 16” Crash 18” Ride 20” Free Splash 10” Free Bag

ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop รุ่น Xist Set

Original price was: 35,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 19,000.00 ฿.
Istanbul Agop รุ่น Xist Set ฉาบกลองชุด Hihat 14” Crash 16” Crash 18” Ride 20” Free Splash 10” Free Bag

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 10″ Traditional Splash

Original price was: 4,600.00 ฿.Current price is: 4,140.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 10" Traditional Splash Dark and warm with a papery attack.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 10″ Xist Brilliant Splash

Original price was: 3,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 2,880.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 10" Xist Brilliant Splash Xist Brilliant Splashes are quick and direct responding with a clean, brighter attack.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 10″ Xist ION Hi Hats

Original price was: 6,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 4,800.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 10" Xist ION Hi Hats

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 10″ Xist Splash

Original price was: 3,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 2,880.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 10" Xist Splash Xist Splashes are quick and direct responding with a clean attack.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 13″ Agop Signature Hi-Hats

Original price was: 14,400.00 ฿.Current price is: 12,960.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 13" Agop Signature Hi-Hats Extremely dry and dark, crisp chick sound.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 14″ Mel Lewis Hi-Hats

Original price was: 13,900.00 ฿.Current price is: 12,510.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 14" Mel Lewis Hi-Hats Warm, full bodied sound. Soft, washy and buttery.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 14″ Xist Brilliant Hi-Hats

Original price was: 9,600.00 ฿.Current price is: 8,640.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 14" Xist Brilliant Hi-Hats Xist Brilliant Hi-Hats are crisp and focused with tight sticking and a brighter, glassy attack.They are medium in weight.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 15″ Mantra Hi-Hats

Original price was: 16,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 14,580.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 15" Mantra Hi-Hats Versatile - A little bit brighter than the Om Hi Hats, and a little louder and more open. But still quite dark and crisp.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 15″ OM Hi-Hats

Original price was: 16,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 14,580.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 15" OM Hi-Hats Low, dark and sloshy, with a clear chick and a dark and mellow wash.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 16″ Agop Signature Crash

Original price was: 8,350.00 ฿.Current price is: 7,515.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 16" Agop Signature Crash Paper thin, dark, dry and low pitched.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 16″ Xist ION Crash

Original price was: 6,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 5,850.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 16" Xist ION Crash The symmetrically placed geometric holes give this crash a splashy, raw attack with a very quick decay. Great for accents, hand drumming or in a stack with other cymbals.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 18″ Agop Signature Crash

Original price was: 10,600.00 ฿.Current price is: 9,540.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 18" Agop Signature Crash Paper thin, dark, dry and low pitched.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 18″ OM Crash

Original price was: 10,900.00 ฿.Current price is: 9,810.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 18" OM Crash OM Crashes are paper thin, with an explosive attack and a quick decay.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 18″ Xist Brilliant Crash

Original price was: 7,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 6,300.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 18" Xist Brilliant Crash Xist Brilliant Crashes have a papery attack, brighter sound and a medium decay.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 19″ Mel Lewis Crash Ride

Original price was: 12,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 10,800.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 19" Mel Lewis Crash Ride Dry crash qualities. Clear stick definition with subtle dark overtones.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 19″ Xist Brilliant Crash

Original price was: 8,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 7,200.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 19" Xist Brilliant Crash Xist Brilliant Crashes have a papery attack, brighter sound and a medium decay.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 19″ Xist Power Crash

Original price was: 8,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 7,200.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 19" Xist Power Crash The larger, unlathed bell and unlathed center combined with a heavier weight give this series a fuller, louder attack with a more controlled sustain.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 20″ Mantra Crash

Original price was: 13,900.00 ฿.Current price is: 12,510.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 20" Mantra Crash Open, full and rich with good volume and projection.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 20″ Traditional Dark Ride

Original price was: 12,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 10,800.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 20" Traditional Dark Ride Warm stick responses, with a darker wash.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 20″ Traditional Original Ride

Original price was: 12,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 10,800.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 20" Traditional Original Ride The thinnest of our Traditional Series ride cymbals, the Original ride offers wide harmonic and dynamic range.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 20″ Xist Brilliant Ride

Original price was: 9,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 8,280.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 20" Xist Brilliant Ride The ride is characterized by a very clear, well-defined stick attack and broad musical capacity.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 21″ Mel Lewis Ride

Original price was: 14,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 12,780.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 21" Mel Lewis Ride Dark and warm buttery, with a woody stick definition. A true classic sound.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 21″ Traditional Original Ride

Original price was: 13,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 11,880.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 21" Traditional Original Ride The thinnest of our Traditional Series ride cymbals, the Original ride offers wide harmonic and dynamic range.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 22″ OM Ride

Original price was: 16,500.00 ฿.Current price is: 14,850.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 22" OM Ride The 22" OM Ride has a clear, slightly metallic stick due to the unique black finishing and intense hammering, and features a dry, trashy crash sound.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 22″ Traditional Dark Ride

Original price was: 14,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 12,780.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 22" Traditional Dark Ride Warm stick responses, with a darker wash.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 22″ Traditional Medium Ride

Original price was: 14,200.00 ฿.Current price is: 12,780.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 22" Traditional Medium Ride An all purpose full bodied ride. Rich sounds, full stick definition and medium spread with a clear bell.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 23″ Agop Signature Ride

Original price was: 17,010.00 ฿.Current price is: 15,120.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 23" Agop Signature Ride Dry stick definition with warm and complex overtones. Mellow crashride capabilities.

ฉาบกลองชุด แฉ Istanbul Agop 8″ Xist Splash

Original price was: 3,000.00 ฿.Current price is: 2,400.00 ฿.
ฉาบกลองชุด Istanbul Agop 8" Xist Splash Xist Splashes are quick and direct responding with a clean attack.