Yamaha DM1000VCM (Version 2) Digital Production Console ดิจิตอลโปรดักชั่นคอนโซล
ดิจิตอลโปรดักชั่นคอนโซลขนาด 19 นิ้ว สำหรับมือโปรในสตูดิโอหรือในงานแสดง
ความสามารถและฟังก์ชั่นทางการมิกซ์ที่สืบสานมาจาก DM2000 และ 02R96 แต่ยังคงไว้ซึ่งขนาดที่สามารถยึดติดแร็คได้ DM1000VCM รุ่น 2 นี้ ให้การสนับสนุน ESAM II รวมทั้งความสามารถในการ Add-on เอฟเฟ็ค และการอัพเกรดอื่น ๆ อีกมากมาย Learn More
Powerful and Compact for Production, Broadcast, and Live Sound Environments
When the acclaimed Yamaha DM2000 console appeared on the production scene, it proved that true 24-bit/96 kHz performance, DAW integration, and surround production facilities were what the industry had been waiting for. With the introduction of the 02R96 the same benefits became available to a broader range of engineers and facilities, including project studios for music production. Now the Yamaha DM1000, like the DM2000, is designed especially for commercial post-production, audio for video, and broadcast applications. But extraordinary versatility and configurability mean that the DM1000 is also ideal for a wide range of sound reinforcement applications.The DM1000 Digital Production Console distills the essence of the DM2000 into a remarkably compact console that delivers the same level of performance and key features. And with the supplied Studio Manager Application software, all mix data is interchangeable between the DM2000, DM1000 and 02R96. These consoles can be linked and cascaded interactively within a multi-room studio, or a tour engineer can do a basic console setup on his laptop computer anywhere, and then simply load the settings into the console at the venue.Like its predecessor, the DM1000 delivers mixing power and performance that’s way ahead of anything else on the market, and it even incorporates newly introduced software features such as 6.1 Surround, User Assignable Layer, and Global Recall Safe. Never has so much mixing power and versatility been available in a compact, rack-mountable console.With the introduction of Version 2, the DM1000 evolves to an even higher level of refinement.
- Precise 24-bit/96-kHz Audio and High-performance Head Amps
- 48-input 18-bus Mix Capacity at 96 kHz
- Powerful Channel Functions with Flexible Control and Patching
- Versatile Connectivity for a Wide Range of Applications
- Two I/O Expansion Slots for Easy Expansion in a Variety of Formats
- Four Advanced Multi-effect Processors Include Surround Effects
- Comprehensive Interface with Touch-sensitive 100-mm Motor Faders
- Scene Memory and Automix Functions for Efficient Workflow
- Versatile Pairing and Grouping Functions Enhance Mixing Efficiency
- DM1000 Editor Software Supplied
- Sophisticated DAW or Digital Recorder Integration
- An Ideal Platform for Surround Production
- Enhanced Surround Monitoring Environment Includes Bass Management
- A Powerful Performer in Live Sound Settings
- Functions and Performance Fine-tuned for Professional Use
- Powerful New Functions for Applications from Production to Live Sound to Broadcast.(Version2)
- Seamless ADD-ON EFFECTS Support(Version2)
- ESAMII Video Editor Support(Version2)
- A Major Studio Manager Evolution(Version2)
- Versatile V2 features plus a formidable array of plug-in processors(DM1000VCM)
- VCM Technology(DM1000VCM)
- iSSP Technology(DM1000VCM)
- REV-X(DM1000VCM)